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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Kaper Charts

At the beginning of our troop we tried to create patrols. I don’t think I ever created them with my old troop so I was sort of fumbling around. And we let the girls choose their own names (something else that didn’t work out very well). So the patrols went into the wastebasket. Until now.

We divided the girls into two patrols. We looked at ages and tried to mix them up a bit. Then I choose 6 names for them to choose from. I know six is a lot but I was feeling generous.

I have linked to the pieces of our Kaper Chart that I created. All of the pieces will be laminated and have Velcro on the back. I plan to mount the pieces on felt board. This way things are easy to more around. In addition, we can customize the chart to reflect any special tasks that need to be completed. I think we will even be able to take it with us camping. Just change the tags and off we go.

I am setting it up as follows:

Header (troop name/Kaper chart)
Then 2 columns with Patrol symbol at the top of each column.
Directly below approx. 3 tasks per patrol.

Simple, simple and easy to read.
posted at 10:25 AM  

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