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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Girl Scout Bucks

These are GS Bucks. You can find instuctions for making them at the Making Friends website.

This year our troop is going to use them to reward the girls for their Product Sales. They will recieve 50% of their sales in this format. They can use them to pay for events, or they can turn them into one of the leaders to purchase uniforms or handbooks.

The following is what I put in the parent handbook that I created.

Event cost and procedures:
1) All events will be paid for in full in advance (by the Parents or Using GS Bucks) to insure attendance and no money lost from the troop.
2) Girl Scout “bucks” will be awarded to each girl based on a percentage of their product sale.
3) GS bucks are only good within out troop.
4) Each Scout will be responsible to holding on to her own bucks.
5) You will be able to use your GS bucks to purchase a vest or sash (but this transaction will need to be complete through Sandi or Siobhan)
posted at 3:21 PM  

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