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Monday, October 8, 2007

3 new scouts

We picked up 3 new scouts in our troop last Thursday. It is so nice having a nice sized group of girls. 12 now have 12 registared scouts. Now we are able to have 3 patrols (which just makes more since to me).

The new Kaper Chart is progressing and should be ready for our next meeting on October 18th. And as promissed I will be posting pictures.
posted at 1:29 PM  

1 a snitching:

Blogger Jamie expressed...

Looking forward to seeing it- we'll be adding our 16th next week. I did meet one 2nd grade leader who had 22! last week at platform tent training. She was going crazy trying to come up with a kaper chart with something for each girl. 4 patrols of 4 sounds so much easier to work with!

October 9, 2007 at 2:56 PM  

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