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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kapers by Patrols

I know that I post a lot about Kapers but frankly it seems to be a very important part of running our meetings.

Have you done any online research for Kaper Charts? What do you find? I found a bunch of sites that mainly show Brownie Kaper Charts. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but my girls are older.

I found that most of the Kaper Charts showed a task for each scout. As your troop grows that requires a very vivid imagination to come up with that may things to do.

Another type I found a lot of was “camping” charts. Now the interesting thing about them was that they have the girls in groups or patrols doing tasks together. Why wouldn’t you do that during troop meetings? I also have found that when you attend trainings all the paperwork provided shows camping kaper charts.

Why or why do you have to give each scout their own task? Girl Scouts are all about the group working together as one. Why not assign their tasks as groups. That way they are doing things together. It’s not all about me (well sometimes it is but that’s a different story, LOL). Sorry ;)
posted at 3:05 PM  

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