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Friday, January 4, 2008

Baking cookies

We had each scout bring a batch of cookie dough as well as baking sheets. Luckily the church that we meet at has 2 ovens. It took us the entire 2 hours but we got them all baked. Then we divided them up so each scout could take some cookies home. I tell you what I have never seen that many chocolate chip cookies. I guess it is easy to make. I know I know the reciepe by heart. But, I don't usually make them at Christmas Time. I hope everyone had a good time. I sure did.

posted at 9:40 AM  

1 a snitching:

Blogger Stacey expressed...

Baking cookies is fun with girls is it not? We do this with our troop as well, but we make the cookies there, and the girls get one of each to eat and the rest are donated. But it is a fun activity regardless.

January 9, 2008 at 7:58 AM  

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