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Friday, September 5, 2008

Girl Lead Meeting, LOL!

Well last night was our 1st meeting of the year. At the beginning of the meeting I passed out a bunch of flyers for up coming events. Then I told the girls now that you are older you are ready to run your own meetings. You need to decide what you want to do this year. So we left the four of them along to decide.

Background: one 7th grader, two 8th graders & one 11th grader. Of course, the oldest one was focused. The other three were all over the place. No one could agree on what IPA to do. Ugh.

So finally I stood up and said “OK everyone heads down” Now who is interested in this, and who is interested in that. Out of all my questions no more the two hands from any choice went up. Finally I said “OK heads up”

Then I proposed the following. Before the next meeting each of you choose a IPA. Decided which items will be done on each. Also, be prepared to lead it because your may be the 1st one chosen. So this means we will be doing four IPAs this year. The girls asked “what about the two that aren’t here.” I said “you snooze, you lose” they weren’t at the 1st meeting, and I think that four IPAs will be plenty.

So we survived our Girl Lead Meeting!
posted at 8:29 AM  

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