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Friday, October 16, 2009

Community Service

Wow it has been over half a year I feel so bad. I rarely get comments so I forget about this blog.

So my Cadette/Sr/Am troop started something new last May. The church I attend has 5 planter boxes in the court yard. One is maintained by a nice old lady from church. I asked the girls if they would like to maintain two of the boxes. They thought it would be a great idea.

So for the 1st time I asked them to divide themselves into partols (there are only 6 of them). They did that easily enough.

Then I asked the big question. How will this get paid for? I guess I should have talked about how we handle our money earlier. But that is an entire post unto itself. Anyhow, they voted to pay for it our of their own pockets. OK that works out nicely.

So our last meeting of the year we spent two hours cleaning out the boxes. We brought tools, water and bags. The troop provided the manure. Man was it stinky. So now the boxes are clean. Now what. Well I explained to the girls that it was up to each patrol to get together at a store to make their purchases and then plant. On top of that I explained that the plants will require a lot of watering at 1st so they had to take turns hand watering their beds several times a week.

The sister troop that we meet with also did a planter box. There was a method to our madness. We needed to find a new meeting location. So what better way to sway the Church Board then through beautifying their court yard. It worked :)
posted at 8:20 AM  

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